Making an Informed Decision for Yourself

Navigating an unplanned pregnancy can feel like a journey through uncharted territory, especially for young individuals in their teens and early twenties. At RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics, we understand the gravity of the decisions you face and the myriad of emotions that accompany them. This blog post aims to offer guidance, support, and comprehensive information, aiding you in making an … Continued...

Navigating Pregnancy During College Years

Embarking on a college education is a significant milestone, and experiencing pregnancy during this time can add an extra layer of complexity. For many young women and men in college, balancing academic responsibilities with pregnancy poses unique challenges. At RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics, we understand the diverse needs of pregnant students in higher education. This blog is dedicated to guiding … Continued...

Pregnancy in the Classroom: A Guide for High School Students

Pregnancy in the Classroom: A Guide for High School Students

Navigating the waters of pregnancy while in high school presents a unique set of challenges and decisions that can be both overwhelming and life-changing. At RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics, we deeply understand the complexities and emotional rollercoaster young women and men face during this significant period of their lives. This blog is crafted to provide you with understanding, support, and … Continued...

How can I recover emotionally after an abortion?

Abortion is a deeply personal and often complex decision that can bring a range of emotions. Every individual’s experience is unique, and feelings can vary widely. This guide aims to support those navigating the emotional landscape following an abortion, offering insights and resources to help foster healing. Whether you feel relief, guilt, or a mixture of emotions, understanding that these … Continued...

Can I get the abortion pill by mail in California?

The topic of abortion is complex and often fraught with misinformation. One question that frequently arises is whether it’s possible to obtain the abortion pill by mail in California. At RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics, we believe in providing accurate, reliable information to help individuals make informed decisions about their reproductive health. This article aims to shed light on the subject, … Continued...

The Power of Parenting: Celebrating the Journey of Becoming a Parent

Becoming a parent is a journey filled with unique challenges, joys, and transformative experiences. It’s a journey that changes you in ways you could never have imagined, shaping you into a nurturer, a guide, and a source of unconditional love. At RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics, we understand the power of parenting and are here to support you every step of … Continued...

Your Mental Health During Pregnancy: Tips for Emotional Well-being

Pregnancy is a time of significant change, bringing about physical transformations and emotional shifts. While it’s a period of joy and anticipation for many, it can also be a time of stress and anxiety. At RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics, we understand the importance of mental health during pregnancy and are committed to supporting the emotional well-being of expectant mothers. We … Continued...

Unveiling the Truth: Dispelling Common Myths About Pregnancy Options

When facing an unplanned pregnancy, it’s crucial to have accurate, reliable information about all available options. Unfortunately, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding pregnancy options, particularly when it comes to abortion. In this blog, we will debunk some common myths and provide reliable information to help you make an informed decision. As a life-affirming organization, RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics … Continued...

A Comprehensive Guide to STDs: Questions, Myths, and Facts (Part Three)

Welcome to the third and final installment of our series on the questions, myths, and facts of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). At RealOptions, our mission is to enlighten, educate, and empower you to take control of your sexual health. In this post, we will debunk more myths about STDs and discuss effective prevention strategies.   Myth 1: Only People with … Continued...

A Comprehensive Guide to STDs: Questions, Myths, and Facts (Part Two)

In the previous installment of our three-part series, “A Comprehensive Guide to STDs: Questions, Myths, and Facts,” we began to demystify the complex subject of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Today we continue to delve deeper into the topic, answering more common questions and debunking myths about STDs. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions regarding your sexual health.   … Continued...

A Comprehensive Guide to STDs: Questions, Myths, and Facts (Part One)

In this ever-changing world, one thing remains constant: the importance of understanding our bodies and our health. At RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics, we are dedicated to providing you with valuable information and compassionate care, particularly when it comes to the topic of sexual health and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or infections (STIs). Today, we will be starting the first part … Continued...

STDs During Pregnancy: Risks, Testing, and Treatment

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a common health concern among sexually active individuals. However, STDs can also pose significant risks for pregnant women and their babies. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common STDs that can affect pregnant women and their babies, the risks associated with these STDs, and how they can be prevented and treated.   … Continued...

The Dangers of Vaping During Pregnancy

Vaping has become increasingly popular in recent years as an alternative to smoking. While vaping may be perceived as a safer alternative to smoking, there is still a significant amount of research that needs to be conducted to fully understand the health effects of vaping. Vaping during pregnancy is particularly concerning, as it may harm both the mother and the … Continued...

Taking Care of Mom and Baby: The Importance of Prenatal Care

Pregnancy is a life-changing experience that requires proper care and attention. Prenatal care is an essential aspect of this experience, and it offers a wide range of benefits to you and your growing child. Regular prenatal care can help reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy, improve maternal and fetal health, and ensure a safe delivery. In this blog post, … Continued...

Significant Tests & Screenings During Prenatal Care

Prenatal care is essential for ensuring the health and well-being of both mother and child. Throughout the course of pregnancy, women undergo a variety of procedures to monitor the progress of the pregnancy and identify any potential complications. These tests and screenings are critical for detecting any issues early on so that they can be addressed promptly, reducing the risk … Continued...

Fatherhood Questions

An unplanned pregnancy is often a confusing or scary time for both of you. At RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics, we are here to help you and your partner. When you first hear that your partner may be pregnant, you will probably be flooded with a variety of thoughts and emotions. You may have mixed feelings at the idea of her … Continued...

Whole Care For the Whole You

At RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics, we seek a relationship with our patients that focuses on wellness for the whole person — your physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs. That is why we are dedicated to providing services based on your specific needs, rather than just physical symptoms.  Our fully licensed health care clinics provide: Well-woman care Pregnancy testing and ultrasounds … Continued...

Common Questions About HIV

Understanding the risks and dangers of HIV is critical to shielding yourself from infection and effectively coping if you do contract it – just like with other viruses or sexually transmitted diseases. Gain control over your wellness and be equipped to handle any circumstance by expanding your understanding of HIV. In this post, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about … Continued...

How to Tell Your Family Your Partner is Pregnant

For some young men, the prospect of becoming a father can be exciting, but more often than not, it can also be scary and leave you feeling anxious. If you’re in this situation, you probably have a million things running through your mind. One of those things may be wondering how to tell your family that your partner is pregnant. … Continued...

3 Prenatal Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

3 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy – Get Prenatal CarePrenatal care is the health care you get while you are pregnant. Take care of yourself and your baby by:Getting early prenatal care. If you know you’re pregnant, or think you might be, call your doctor to schedule a visit. If you don’t have a doctor, contact RealOptions. We provide 1st … Continued...

Common Questions About HPV

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections, yet many people remain confused or unaware of its causes and effects. HPV can lead to serious health complications if left untreated, including genital warts and even cervical cancer. It’s important that everyone understand the basics of this virus in order to protect themselves against it. In this … Continued...

Common Questions About Hepatitis C

In a previous article, we covered the Common Questions About Hepatitis B, including information on symptoms, testing, and treatment. In this article, we will be touching on those same areas as they relate to Hepatitis C (HCV). While both Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C can lead to serious health issues, there are notable differences between them that are worthy of … Continued...

Common Questions About Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B and C are two common forms of liver infections. Although both viruses can cause serious health problems, there are significant differences between them. In this blog post, we’ll cover some common questions about Hepatitis B, including symptoms, transmission and treatment – as well as preventive measures you can take to protect yourself. If you’re interested in learning about … Continued...

Common Questions About Syphilis

What is syphilis? Syphilis is an STD that, if not treated carefully, can be dangerous and cause long-term problems. For adults, syphilis is divided into four symptom stages: primary syphilis, secondary syphilis, latent syphilis, and late-stage syphilis. In this article, we will provide information on these stages as well as answer some common questions about syphilis.   How do people … Continued...

Common Questions About Gonorrhea

What is gonorrhea? Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae that can infect the genital tract, rectum, and throat. It is a very serious and potentially dangerous infection if left untreated. Gonorrhea, like other STDs, often comes with questions. In this article, we’ll cover some of the most frequently asked ones.   How common … Continued...

Common Questions About Chlamydia

What is chlamydia? Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. According to the CDC, it is the most commonly reported STI in the United States, infecting millions of men and women each year. Chlamydia is usually spread through unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex, and it can also be passed from mother … Continued...

What is a Fetal Ultrasound Exam?

A fetal ultrasound (sonogram) is an imaging technique that uses sound waves to produce images of a fetus in the uterus. Fetal ultrasound images can help your health care provider evaluate your baby’s growth and development and monitor your pregnancy. The first fetal ultrasound is usually done during the first trimester to confirm the viability of the pregnancy and estimate … Continued...

Abortion Pill Reversal Offers Second Chances

Have you ever made a decision that you instantly regretted or wished you could reverse?  You made the decision, and, just like that, the course of your life is irreversibly altered. Life rarely provides us with do-overs. Second chances are elusive. Regrets take captive our thoughts, and our minds become cluttered with countless “could haves,” “should haves,” and “what ifs.” … Continued...

Am I Pregnant? Answer these questions to help determine whether or not you may be pregnant.

Have you been experiencing bodily changes? Do you think you may be pregnant? This can be an exciting time for some and confusing for others. At RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics we have compiled a list of questions to determine whether or not you may be pregnant. Please contact us if you have any other questions or would like to make … Continued...

RealOptions Provides STI/STD Testing & Treatment in Bay Area Amidst Sky High STD Rates

Sexually transmitted infection (STI) or sexually transmitted disease (STD) rates have increased to the highest levels in 30 years. RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics provides STI/STD testing in the Bay Area. We are taking extra precautions following CDC guidelines and recommended medical standards to protect our staff and patients. Unfortunately, some men and women who think they could possibly have a … Continued...

Why Choose RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics if you are considering an abortion?

Schedule an Appointment RealOptions Provides Pre-abortion Screenings Every woman facing a pregnancy decision needs medical care and support to answer three questions before a final pregnancy outcome can be determined: Am I really pregnant? 10-20% of pregnancies end on their own and the actual number is likely higher because many miscarriages occur so early in pregnancy that a woman doesn’t … Continued...

Pap Smear Test

Why are Pap Smears important? Pap Smears or Pap Tests are important because they look for precancerous cells on the cervix that can become cervical cancer if left untreated.  This test is done in a doctor’s office and involves a plastic or metal speculum that is used to widen the vagina to allow the doctor to examine the vagina and … Continued...

Pregnancy Loss Healing Is Real

We are here to help. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has imposed social restrictions that can heighten a sense of alienation and isolation that may have already been present due to a past abortion, miscarriage, or stillbith. The increased stressors related to anxiety, uncertainty, and social isolation can make connecting at this time even more important to your healing and well-being. … Continued...

STDs and STIs Testing

RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics provides medical testing, diagnosis, and treatment of STDs and STIs. There are many kinds of sexually transmitted diseases and infections. You can get an STD the first time you have vaginal, anal or oral sex. Many STDs have no cure while others can be treated through medication. Most people infected with an STD don’t know it. … Continued...


RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics is proud to announce that it is an official Medi-Cal provider. Our medical clinics are committed to providing exceptional care to our patients. Our services include: Well Woman Care– which includes pap smears, breast exams, diabetes screening, hepatitis vaccine & cervical cancer screenings. STD Testing & Treatment Pregnancy Testing Ultrasound Imaging Prenatal Care Optimal Health Coaching … Continued...

Celebrating differences

RealOptions is Committed to Celebrating Differences and Eliminating Racial Inequality

At RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics we stand beside the Black community–making a public stance against injustice, abuse of power, and authority to drive change and support the path to healing. We honor that our nation is built upon a melting pot of individuals, cultures, and color which makes our country unique and special.  But we also recognize that there are … Continued...

Well-Woman Care: A RealOptions Beginner’s Guide

Well-Woman Care: A RealOptions Beginner’s Guide RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics has hit an important milestone in its journey to provide holistic reproductive healthcare to women in the Bay Area: an expansion of its well-woman services. What does this change mean for you? Well, in short, it means you can now take a foundational step to protect your health by booking … Continued...

Is there an over the counter abortion pill that I can take without a prescription?

NO, there is not an abortion pill that you should take without a prescription. The abortion pill is different from emergency contraception, sometimes called the morning-after pill. The medication abortion pill will terminate a pregancy.  You should consult with a medical provider, receive an exam, as well as an ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy to figure out how far along … Continued...

COVID and Your Pregnancy

How COVID-19 Affects Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women What is COVID-19? Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. The … Continued...

Am I Pregnant? 12 Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms

Am I Pregnant? 12 Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms Have you been experiencing bodily changes? Do you think you may be pregnant? This can be a puzzling time as it is. To add to the confusion, many pregnancy signs and symptoms can have causes unlinked to pregnancy. You should know that the early signs of pregnancy tend to differ from one … Continued...

Pregnancy Test

Pregnancy Test If you think you may be pregnant your next step should be scheduling a Pregnancy Test from RealOptions Obria Medical Clinic.  You do NOT have to go through this process alone. At RealOptions we can help you deal with the results, no matter what they are, in a manner that is best for you and your situation. We have … Continued...

Abortion Cost Information

If you are considering abortion and researching your options in the Alameda, Santa Clara, or San Mateo County areas, this information may answer some of your questions. How Much Does Abortion Cost in Alameda, Santa Clara or San Mateo County? Abortion services may be available at no cost through Medi-Cal. If you do not qualify for Medi-Cal or have medical … Continued...

Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

Am I pregnant? The earliest sign of pregnancy is a missed period. If you are wondering if you are pregnant there are other early symptoms to look for including nausea, tender or swollen breasts, darkening of the areola (the area around the nipple), cramping, back pain, headaches, increased urination, food cravings or aversions to certain foods, sensitivity to smells, and … Continued...

Types of Abortion

At RealOptions we provide all the information you need to make informed decisions when facing an unplanned pregnancy. If you are contemplating an abortion, our trained staff and nurses are here to educate you about all your choices including procedures and risks as well as other barriers to continuing a pregnancy. There are many factors to consider when determining what is right for … Continued...

Abortion Recovery Awareness Month

The effects of abortion on individuals and families can have long-term effects that can leave a person hurting for years.  The feelings of loss and grief can stay with you for a long time. “If you have had an abortion in the past and nobody else knows about it, it may help you greatly to share about your feelings in … Continued...

The Importance of Sexual Health

Medical testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI) is one of the many services provided to the public at RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics. “We offer compassionate and confidential care,” said Sandy Rowe the nursing coordinator at the Union City Clinic. “I know there can be a hesitancy to come in because of what people might perceive about getting tested. We want folks to know … Continued...

Pregnant….in School?

If you think you are pregnant, come to one of our RealOptions clinics for an early pregnancy test. Our pregnancy tests are 99% accurate and done in a safe and private setting. A late period is the most common first sign of pregnancy, but not the only early pregnancy symptom. “As early as three to four weeks you can experience … Continued...

How Pregnant Women and New Mothers Succeed on Campus

Attending college when you are pregnant or parenting can initially be a very daunting experience.  Unfortunately, not all colleges and universities offer support services for pregnant and parenting students.   RealOptions on the other hand has made it a point to become a beacon of hope and light for those students who have made the decision to continue their education despite … Continued...

A Loving Plan is at the Heart of Adoption

If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy one of your options is adoption. “The word adoption sounds intimidating,” said Marge’ Brandt,  Director of Patient Services at RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics. “When a patient comes in and indicates they do not want to terminate the pregnancy and they know there is no way they can parent, I reach out with, “Have … Continued...

Do I need an Abortion?

It is your decision. It is your choice. “We are trying to provide information to the patient so she can make an informed decision,” said Christine Kulle, the Nurse Practitioner at RealOptions. “We are there to provide information, education, and support in whatever she decides.” “The first thing you need to know is whether or not you are really pregnant,” … Continued...

Am I Pregnant

The most obvious sign of being pregnant is missing your period. But there are other signs according to Sandra Rowe, Nurse Manager at the Union City RealOptions Medical Clinic. “These signs include sore breasts, nausea, vomiting, and frequent urination,” said Rowe. “Some women will also have a sensitivity to odors and/or increased saliva.” For many women, the first option is … Continued...

Abortion Pill Reversal is a Real Option

After taking the first dose of the abortion pill some women regret their decision and wish they could reverse the effects. There is an effective process for reversing the abortion pill known as – ABORTION PILL REVERSAL. “Abortion pill reversal is safe and effective,” said Dr. George Delgado, the Medical Director of the Abortion Pill Reversal program. “And women who … Continued...

Childbirth Classes

There are many benefits to becoming a patient of RealOptions for those facing an unplanned pregnancy.  One of the more practical benefits is the childbirth classes they provide. “The class is free for our patients,” said Lisa Wagner. “It can cost anywhere from $125.00 to $200.00 dollars for the same class depending on where it is offered. But the patients … Continued...

Helping You Every Step of the Way

“The staff at RealOptions provides a wonderful place for families to go if they are struggling with a decision on what they want to do,” said Cheri Woloski. “They are supportive on helping families talk through what avenues they can take and provide them with resources they need.” Cheri has been a lactation and breastfeeding expert for more than twenty years and works … Continued...

Perfectly Practical

There is more to women’s health clinics than medical services.  RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics offers pregnancy testing, STD testing and treatment, ultrasound imaging, and prenatal care but they offer so much more including support before, during, and after a patient’s baby is born. “We offer solutions,” said Nelly Khayat,  Patient Services Manager at RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics in San Jose.  … Continued...

November is National Adoption Month

“There are no words to describe just how grateful I am for the parents I chose. They are angels sent from heaven for my baby.” Cathy came to the RealOptions Clinic as a referral. “My hairdresser mentioned it to Mikelle who works at RealOptions who then reached out to me.” “Everyone was so nice at RealOptions”, said Cathy. “I was … Continued...

What to Expect When Becoming a Parent

Focus on your strengths! That is great advice for anyone who is going through an unfamiliar or challenging time in their life.  An unexpected pregnancy and the choice to become a parent may bring a certain amount of apprehension depending upon the situation. “It’s going to be different for every person,” said Heidi Lalonde, Patient Service Manager at Real Options. … Continued...

No Insurance Required

No Insurance Required It’s nice to know that many services offered at RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics are free if you qualify and you don’t need medical insurance. RealOptions offers well woman care, STD testing and treatment, pregnancy testing, pregnancy options consultations, ultrasound exams, prenatal care, and aborition pill reversal treatments. You do not need medical insurance to receive services at … Continued...

What Is A Father To Do?

Robert was sitting at a fast food restaurant with his girlfriend. He had just placed the tray of food in front of her and sat down when she gathered the courage to tell him she was pregnant. He wished he had reacted differently, but the initial shock of the news made him recoil. For the first time in his life … Continued...

From Crisis To Confidence

From Crisis To Confidence. When a woman faces an unexpected pregnancy it can be frightening.  You may feel overwhelmed which is perfectly normal. RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics are here to help you every step of the way. “At the beginning, many of our patients are scared,” said Christine Kulle, a Nurse Practitioner and Certified Midwife at RealOptions.  “By the end … Continued...

April is Abortion Recovery Awareness Month

On a spring afternoon Carolanne sat in her parked car with the radio off and windows rolled down. She was enjoying the cool spring air as it blew across the greening grass of the city park and through her open windows. After a very successful day she had just finished updating the sales report on her iPad and decided to take a few minutes … Continued...

The Difference Between the Morning After Pill and the Abortion Pill

There is a difference between the Morning After Pill and the Abortion Pill. The variety of the medical options when facing an unplanned pregnancy can be confusing.  The relatively new advancements in medication as an alternative has added to the number of choices and has led to some misunderstanding of what is available, how and when each medication works, and what the side … Continued...

Facts About The Abortion Pill Reversal Procedure

Facts About The Abortion Pill Reversal Procedure.  It’s not uncommon for a woman facing abortion to have doubts. It is not too late to change your mind even after taking the abortion pill. An interview with Kathryn Miranda-Halverson, RN-MSN Clinic Operations Manager & RN Sonographer RealOptions Pregnancy Medical Clinics Q: Tell me in layman’s terms exactly what the abortion pill … Continued...

The Adoption Option

The Adoption Option “My main concern was–How?”  Cindy smiled slightly as a look of confidence came across her face.  “I’m okay where I am. I am able to raise the son I currently have but how am I going to do it with two kids? I just didn’t want to struggle and put myself in the situation of becoming homeless.” … Continued...

Wondering if You’re Pregnant

Are you wondering if you’re pregnant? The most obvious sign and the one most wait for, is a missed period. However there are many changes in your body that occur before that point. Of course, the sure way to tell if you’re pregnant is through a pregnancy test. Nonetheless, you can review the following symptoms and get an idea whether … Continued...

So You’re Thinking of Abortion

So You’re Thinking of Abortion One of the greatest gifts to humanity is the intellectual capacity and opportunity to make our own decisions. Of course there are many factors affecting our choices, but at the end of the day, we have the power to choose. With any big decision, it is important that our choices do not stem from the … Continued...

Three things you need to know if you think you might be pregnant

If you think you might be pregnant, there are three medical issues that are very important for you to know about before you decide what to do next: 1. You need to find out if your pregnancy is viable. About 20% of pregnancies are not viable (1). This means something didn’t go exactly right and the pregnancy will likely end … Continued...

Are you at risk for an STI/STD

Are you at risk for an STI/STD Take our STI/STD quiz! 1. ____ out of ____ sexually active young women has had genital Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). A. 1 out of 30 B. 1 out of 15 C. 1 out of 7 D. 1 out of 2 2. True or False : The younger a person is when they start … Continued...

She’s Pregnant, Now What

She’s Pregnant, Now What You just found out your girlfriend is pregnant. You probably have many questions and concerns. An unintended pregnancy involves challenging decisions that affect you and those close to you for the rest of your life. She is weighing her options. What is your part? You have five basic choices: Parent the child with your partner Help … Continued...

You May Not Need An Abortion

You May Not Need An Abortion According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), an estimated 10-25% of all clinically recognized pregnancies will naturally end in a miscarriage. In our clinic specifically, we see that approximately 1 in every 4 pregnancy ultrasounds are non-viable pregnancies. Most women are shocked when they find this out because they have taken … Continued...